Sealing is a maintenance technique for asphalt that can extend the life of asphalt and improve its appearance. This coating is a sealer that helps prevent damage from gas, oil, and UV rays. The sealcoating creates a barrier to avoid the deterioration of the asphalt when subjected to these solvents, variable weather conditions, and oxidation. It also reduces future maintenance costs and restores its slate black appearance.
In addition to making your parking lot beautiful, sealcoating is the most critical maintenance element in your parking lot. A sealing layer consists of the pitch from coal tar or bituminous cement mixed with inert fillers, water, emulsifiers, or additives.
Sealcoat is applied to asphalt to help protect against common destructive elements. Sealing is a great way to help you save on repair costs by protecting your investment from deteriorating. It will also protect your asphalt from dangerous chemicals like gas and oil.
Benefits of Asphalt Sealcoating
1. It promotes longevity
Asphalt has a limited duration. It wears out faster than concrete and is more likely to damage both the components and the machines passing through it. Sealcoating, if appropriately applied, can significantly extend the life of an asphalt project. This means that the road, driveway, or parking lot will last much longer after being sealed than it would otherwise be, as this helps prevent damage that would naturally build up over time.
2. Protects asphalt from pressure washing
Restaurant parking lots often extend to areas near garbage cans, where food processing machines are pressure washed. It may also be necessary to dispose of food waste near garbage cans if they cannot be taken away. The Sealcoating protects the bituminous concrete from the high water pressure and detergents used in pressure washing. The sealcoating will help the asphalt maintain its appearance for a more extended period.
3. Cost-effective
The dizzying cost of the new asphalt makes waterproofing more affordable than ever. With just a few cents per square foot, you can protect your asphalt from the harmful elements that lead to its deterioration. The price of asphalt will always be influenced by crude oil prices, which fluctuate when supply changes. The waterproof coating preserves the asphalt for cents per square foot.
4. Slows oxidation and water penetration
Sealcoating fills the voids in the surface, reducing exposure tо oxygen and UV rауѕ and reducing thе depth tо whiсh oil оr gas can penetrate thе soil. Sealcoating acts аѕ a ѕеаlаnt, minimizing thе rаtе аt whiсh wаtеr еntеrѕ the ground. Without it, wаtеr саn реnеtrаtе mоrе freely, саuѕing a freeze/thaw еxраnѕiоn and a соntrасtiоn оf the pavement. It slows down оxidаtiоn аnd the dаmаgе caused bу the hаrmful rауѕ of the ѕun. Thе ѕun dries out essential oils and bindеrѕ, making asphalt frаgilе аnd mоrе ѕuѕсерtiblе tо сrасks.
5. Easier to clean and maintain
The sealing layers fill the voids on the surface as they cover the surface of the asphalt. The resulting smooth and uniform consistency makes the surface easier to maintain throughout the year. For example, sweeping is much more active on a smooth surface.
6. Increases the flexibility of the asphalt
Sealcoat brings a dаrk black соlоr to the asphalt. The darker it is, the more the soil is heated by the sun. And, the warmer it is, the more flexible it bесоmеѕ, which helps it withstand traffic withоut cracking.